- German Rodriguez’s Stata
tutorial is a great place to get started learning Stata
- Christopher Baum’s article A Little Bit of Stata
Programming Goes a Long Way provides a crash course on some more
advanced Stata programming techniques
- For even more about Stata programming, I recommend Baum’s book
An Introduction to Stata Programming
- Stata comes bundled with a comprehensive set of manuals, which can
also be viewed online
- You can also browse the help file for a particular command by typing
help commandname
into the command window
- R itself can be downloaded for free from the R Project
- You may also be interested in using R
Studio, a free programming environment that makes writing and
running R code easier
- German Rodriguez also has an excellent R tutorial
- Another nice tutorial is An
Introduction to R, which also comes bundled with R itself
- A First Course in Statistical Programming with R by Braun
and Murdoch is a good introduction to more advanced projects in R
- R for Data Science by
Hadley Wickham provides a modern introduction to data analysis in R, and
can be read online for free
- The free MacTeX (for macOS)
and MiKTeX (for Windows/macOS/Linux)
packages contain everything you need to get started using LaTeX
(including a LaTeX document editor and underlying compiler)
- The Not
So Short Introduction to LaTeX \(2_\epsilon\) is a classic introduction
to LaTeX
- LyX allows you to use a graphical
interface to produce documents via LaTeX (although LyX is easier to use
if you already know LaTeX, and it is often easier to work with LaTeX